viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Why Veterinary Medicine?

Showed a young girl I have great affection for the nature, especially animals, I always stop to see the dogs that crossed me, and gave them food when my parents allowed me. Take to desicion to study veterinary medicine in the high school, especifically in the third year. My desicion was not well received by my parents because I had to leave the house, but finally supported me; I started the university in the year 2007 in the University of Concepción because he had family there; I study two and half years, and for medical reasons I had to freeze and move to Santiago. Is how I came to the University of Chile and I am in third year. I have no very clear what I want to dedicate, but I love working with horses..... but I would also like to specialize in exotic animal; or if I devote a smaller clinic specializing in neurology. 
If I have clear that I want to finish then made ​​to feel as a person and devote my life to helping what I love, Animals!!!!!!

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