viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

The veterinaria of my dog: Oscar Villarroel

The doctor Oscar Villarroel was born the January 15, 1961 in the city of Talca. He study in the school "Las Concentradas", and his high school in the Liceum "Abate molina". I go to study veterinarian medicina in the years 1982, in the University Austral of Chile. Always knew it was his future, the study of animal.  He had bueno in the University, and to leave in the years 1987 with "Distinction Maximum". As a large number of courses and major, among which "seminary of toxicology" in the Valdivia city the July, 1992; "Clinical Pharmacology of Anthelmintics for Use in Veterinary Medicine " in Concepción city in August, 1993; "Journal Radiology" in 1997; Course "Medical and Surgical Emergencies in Small Animals", MEVEPA (1999); 2nd Meeting of Feline Medicine, Laboratory Invetec Drag Pharma SA, Santiago de Chile, September 2006, among many other. Actually currently exercising Veterinary Medical Center San Francisco, Talca; Chile Army and Teaching in clinical and surgical.
Always I felt very admiration for he, because has salved the live a very animals, especially a my dog, Rupy; the operation because he had tumors on the inside, or if he died, and unless. The is a person very humble and nice, never allthe knowledge he has already done to change, is really a great person!!!!!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. I found this entry very interesting, nobody writes about their veterinary.

  2. That is great! Really professional vocation :D

  3. The doctor Oscar Villarroel was born WW the January 15, 1961 in the city of Talca. He TENSE study in the school "Las Concentradas", and his high school in the WW Liceum "Abate molina". WW I TENSE go to study veterinarian WO SP medicina in the years 1982, in the University Austral of Chile. ^Always knew it was his future, the study of animal. He had SPANISH! bueno in the University, and to TENSE leave in the years 1987 with "Distinction Maximum". As a large number of courses and major, among which "seminary of toxicology" in the Valdivia city the July, 1992; "Clinical Pharmacology of Anthelmintics for Use in Veterinary Medicine " in Concepción city in August, 1993; "Journal Radiology" in 1997; Course "Medical and Surgical Emergencies in Small Animals", MEVEPA (1999); 2nd Meeting of Feline Medicine, Laboratory Invetec Drag Pharma SA, Santiago de Chile, September 2006, among many other. WW Actually currently exercising Veterinary Medical Center San Francisco, Talca; Chile Army and Teaching in clinical and surgical.
    Always I felt very admiration for WF he, because has sSP alved the live a WW very animals, especially a my dog, Rupy; the operation because he had tumors on the inside, or if he died, and unless. The is a person very humble and nice, never allthe knowledge he has already done to change, is really a great person!!!!!!!

    he seems like a very interesting man and a good vet. good coni!
