sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Welcome to my Blog

My name is Constanza Bravo, but tell me Cony. I was born of the city of Talca, and I and the youngest of two sister. I live in Santiago with my sister and two pets (dog and guinea pigs), my parents is in Talca. I am student of Veterinary medicine in the University of Chile; I love what I study, becase I love animals and nature. In my free time I like to rest, sleep and specially allow time for my pets. 
This is my first Blog, I hope to learn to use it and of course to continue learning English.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Cony!. Very cute you guinea pig!!.It is very hairy ajajja

  2. Hi I'm Andrea Paris and I've changed my blog to thebacklighting.blogspot.com. Bye

  3. Hi cony!
    well done! very nice blog and I love the pictures of your pets!
